Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Content, whatever the circumstances

In Philippians 4:11-13, Paul writes, "...for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength."

Can you say the same? Have you learned what it means to be content, regardless of your current successes or failures? Regardless of how people treat you? Do you wake up every day giving thanks for His new mercies, regardless of whether or not you think you deserve the circumstances you are facing, the very circumstances that have brought you pain, sadness, anxiety, or heartache. Could it be financial strife, or maybe a broken relationship that you are allowing yourself to be consumed by? Have you asked God to move you out of this state of brokenness?

Paul has been there. He experienced great loss, suffering great persecution for defending his faith, and has also had the great privilege of experiencing God's great blessing. He was a sinner, just like you and me, and he has suffered greatly for the sake of his ministry. The wonderful lesson that he presents to us in his letter to the Philippians is that it is possible to be content, to find joy, in all circumstances. How? Because we can do all things through him (Christ) who gives us strength.

We weren't designed to handle life on our own. We were designed by a wonderful God who cares about us. He is the Great Comforter, and His word brings us just that. If you are feeling worried or anxious, remember that His word says, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in EVERYTHING, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." (Phil 4:6) Did you catch that? He says in EVERYTHING, pray! Without difficult times, its easy to become self reliant.

Instead of dwelling in the depths of our lowest lows, let's take on Paul's attitude. Let's view our circumstances as God views them. Let's not dwell on the have nots, or the disappointments, or the "unfairness" of our situations. I have learned so much more from my failures and struggles than I have from any success or victories God has allowed me to experience. Is God stretching us, molding us into closer likeness to the Son? Is He teaching us to graciously and humbly accept our successes by sprinkling in a few hard lessons? Can we truly appreciate our blessings without knowing loss? Could it be that that's the only way He can get our attention because we're so focused on ourselves? Could be that it's not even about us at all. Maybe God is using your life to change someone else's.

I can relate to Paul on a smaller scale. While my sufferings have been minimal in comparison, I know what it means to have plenty, and I know what it means to be in want. Every time I am tempted to wallow in grief and negativity, He reminds me that I can do all things through him who gives me strength. I CAN have a positive attitude as long as I am consistent in seeking Christ's strength to bring me to that place. How? By regularly spending time in the word, and in prayer. Consistently. Daily. Dedicated. Time.

As James says in Chapter 1, verses 2-4, "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."

There are many trials that come to mind that I do not consider to be joyful in and of themselves. Death, job loss, marital strife, disability, depression... However, the joy comes from knowing that in these trials, we can lean on Jesus Christ to provide us the strength to endure. There is great joy in knowing that we are becoming stronger in our faith. That God has enough faith in us that he would use us as a witness to others is an honor. And best of all, how wonderful is it that we are so loved that God would see to it that we would be made mature, complete, and lacking nothing.

At a recent conference that I attended, God was clearly speaking to me about my attitude in my circumstances. The truth (for me) was that it may not be well with my circumstances, but it is well with my soul. So much of our own happiness and contentment rests in our attitude and perspective about our situation.

Lord, I pray that I would see less than ideal circumstances not from my own point of view, but from Yours! Help me to lean on You when I need an attitude adjustment. Open the eyes to all the blessings you've poured out on me when the trials seem to muddy the view. It is in Your Son's precious name that I pray. Amen.

I wanted to include a link to the song "Blessings" by Laura Story. If you've never heard it before, please take the time to listen. You will not be disappointed.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Operation Christmas Tree

Well, yesterday marked our first Foley family Christmas tradition. What a wonderful idea Sean had to go and cut our own tree at the Green Tree Farm on Hwy 54 in Plover. For the last several years, since 2004 to be exact, we have had an artificial tree. I guess I just thought it was too much work to deal with 3 kids under age 4 and a real tree! You had to shop for the tree, then bring it inside, string my own lights on it (the fake tree was pre-lit), water it regularly (and anyone who really knows me, knows of my inability to keep alive anything planted in soil) in order to prevent the house from burning to the ground, and then you have to haul it back outside, dry and half-dead dropping boatloads of needles all over the floor after I was already wiped out from Christmas. In previous years, I said, "no, thank you!"
Well, now that the kids are older, and Sean gave me a whole year to gear up for it, I went along with his idea. I tossed the fake, pre-lit tree last year after Christmas. I figured why not, it didn't really light up most of the time any way, and it had seen better days! I am so glad that we started this new family tradition! We had a wonderful time, and the kids thought it was completely amazing! The whole trip only took about an hour and a half (including drive time) and we have a wonderful smelling tree that Sean cut down with his bare hands! Granted, it's only about 6 1/2 feet tall, but it warms up our whole house with its beauty and it's aroma. Sure beats the "Christmas Tree" scented candles we've lit in the past!
During our trip to the Christmas Tree Farm, we rode Thomas the Train, grabbed our trusty saw and headed out to select our tree. Kendall was fascinated by all the trees her size! Alexandra seemed to have pretty good taste in tree selection. Brock was more into picking up branches left behind by others who did a little pruning before toting their trees home. Ultimately, we ended up with the very first tree that Sean spotted.
After a little team work, Sean sawing, Brock sawing (sort of) and the girls holding the tree steady while I played photographer, we had our tree.  We hauled it over to the road, and headed into the Hobo Shack for some warming up by the fire while we waited for Thomas to come back, and to roast some marshmallows! After all that tree cutting and marshmallow roasting the kids were all about finding some hot chocolate! So when Thomas the Train came by, he loaded us up, along with our tree, and we headed back to where we were parked. Before we all made it off the train, the workers were already hard at work shaking our tree for us, and baling it so we could easily transport it home. Sean was sure to explain every aspect of raising, sheering, shaking and baling trees. As a teenager, he used to work for a Tree Farm, sheering trees!

Once we brought the tree home, I began the "fun" job of stringing up the lights. After one trip to Walmart, and then to Shopko, for some needed supplies, Alexandra and I began trimming the tree. Well, sort of...see this family tradition still has some kinks to be worked out. Typically, I work best alone, but when you have a family, they all want to help. Weird, huh? Since I struggle with allowing too much control and risk into the hands of my kids, I am still working on getting over that so that the whole Christmas Tree process will include everyone in the decorating. So if I am being completely honest, I actually tried to get a jump start on decorating while flying just below the radar. Alexandra is just too sharp for that, though! First, she helped me by putting the hooks on all the balls, but because they need to be perfectly spaced out, I hung all the balls. Then came the glitter "joy" and snowflake ornaments. Alexandra opened up all the thread loops for me so all I had to do was hang...you know, the fun part! But then they started to all stick together, which required me to pull them apart, because they were too delicate for Alex to pull apart. Well, that little hold up led to her just casually hanging things on the tree. I must admit, she did a pretty good job. Soon enough, Kendall's eagle eye spotted Sissy hanging ornaments!  The rest of the tree decorating experience was a bit more stressful than I would have liked it to be. Kendall typically does not compute the meaning of the words "no" or "wait for Mommy!" Well, she probably computes, but rather chooses to do things her own way. ;)
Of course you may be wondering where the boys were during all this decorating. Well, Sean was resting up for a night of work after being up all day, and Brock fell asleep watching a movie on netflix. Sean doesn't care if he decorates it at all, but let me tell you, when the girls started boasting about all the decorating they got to do, Brock broke out into a host of dramatic sobs. That boy does not lack sensitivity in any way, shape or form! God forbid anyone do something without his equal opportunity to assure "fairness" in all things...he's so the middle child! He did get to stay up a little later than his sisters that night, so he got to help hang the stockings. How excited he was! Funny, no mention from him that it wasn't fair that the girls had to go to bed instead of being able to stay up late with him!

Needless to say, (short story made long by my long-winded self) the tradition will live on, and become more all-inclusive, once I get over my control issues and allow the kids to be involved in the whole decorating process!