As I prayed and asked for God's wisdom in what He wanted for me in this current season of my life, He pointed me to the following passages of scripture, Romans 12:2, and Isaiah 26:3. In them, I found both direction and reassurance.
Romans 12:2 says, "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-his good, perfect, and pleasing will." This truth that God spoke to me coincided with a recent Bible study I had been doing in the book of Daniel. With God, there are no coincidences, He's planned it all, and I have no doubt that he was speaking directly to me, convicting me of some poor choices. My choices do not always reflect that of a follower of Christ. I am human, and I am a sinner. However, reading Romans 12:2, and studying Daniel together were clear instructions from God that I needed to do something about my choices. Daniel was strong enough in his faith and his trust in God, that he did not conform to the patterns of the indulgent world of Babylon, where he was forced to live. Even with the fear of death, Daniel honored God's commands to him, before he worried about what anyone else would say or do to him. He knew that in his obedience, God would protect him. Daniel stood out in his day for living a life of integrity, standing firm in his beliefs, and God used him for great things. That is what I hope to do as well.
My eyes have been opened to the patterns of this world. I've begun recognizing how our materialism has affected our incessant need for more, never ever satisfying our desires. Living selfishly, pursuing our own interests which might not be in the best interests of our children and husbands/wives are a common pattern of this world. After all, we are in an era of entitlement, and goll darn, "I deserve to be happy." The constant disrespect for men, mainly husbands, in the media has given many women permission to do the same in their homes. We are reaping what we've sown, for sure, in this department. However, disprespecting our men has become a comman pattern of this world we live in. Divorce is at an all time high. Our speech; sarcasm, crude language, sexual inuendo and gossip have become acceptable in our culture. Chalk it up to our false sense of freedom of speech, regardless of who we hurt in the process. The television shows I choose to watch, the music I chose to listen and dance to, and the people I choose to associate with all affect what is going on inside my heart and mind. And if our hearts truly are "the wellspring of life," as Proverbs 4:23 tells us, then the outflow of our hearts is only as good as what we choose to fill it with.
The patterns of this world are what have brought our country to a current state of depression financially and emotionally. People have placed their trust in the things of this world to make them happy, or to provide fulfillment. Time and time again, the things of this world (money, success, material possessions, drugs and alcohol, etc.) bring only temporary gratification, and long term lack of fulfillment. Placing our trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, and our lives in His hands, is the only true source of unending joy. Only He is able to provide that "perfect peace," that Isaiah 26:3 speaks of. This perfect peace is what we all seem to be searching for, yet we have been searching in the wrong places. Isaiah 26:3 says, "You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you." God will not keep us in perfect peace him who trusts in the stock market, or our jobs, or the economy, or our earthly possessions, or our husbands. Only those of us who chose to place our trust in God will be blessed with perfect peace. Perfect peace does not necessarily mean free from strife and hardship. No one is free from experiencing strife and hardship. However, when we allow him access to our hearts fully, He promises to bring us peace.
I am chosing not to be lured away from living my faith by the enemy who reminds me that I might not be accepted by my peers if I speak too loudly. Previously, my insecurities, and the fear of not fitting in would have kept me from sharing publicly my struggles and victories in Christ. I am a different person now, and I'm choosing to STAND OUT, and stand up for my belief in Jesus Christ as my savior. I am willing to walk in obedience, even when that means chosing the road less travelled by my peers. And, I am ok with hearing whispers of, "she must be crazy!" Or, "she's lost her mind!" ;) I embrace the label "Jesus Freak" wholeheartedly!
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